Welcome to Northallerton Camera Club​

Do you have an interest in photography and live within travelling distance of Northallerton? Then why not consider joining us, or even just visiting? Anyone with an interest in photography is welcome to come along and share ideas and develop their interest in photography. You do not need to be an expert to be a member – all you need is an interest in photography or photographic art.

We meet on Monday evenings in the hall at Brompton Methodist Church. You will be assured of a friendly atmosphere in which to relax and, if you wish, to improve your photography whilst enjoying Projected Image and Print presentations, Technical Talks and Lectures, Competitions, Outings and Practical Sessions.

We are a  local club, centred on the North Yorkshire market town of Northallerton. The Club has achieved success both locally and at national level, whilst keeping a warm welcome for photographers of all ages and abilities. 

Our Full Programme for the year, including themes for Competitions and Hand in Dates can be found on the Programme PageSubscription fees can be found here. If you’d like further information or how to find us please use the Contact link. 

Annual Dinner & Trophy Presentations

Our Annual Dinner and Trophy Presentation evening is on Friday 11 April at Romanby Golf and Country Club.
Please CLICK HERE for full details and to view the menu..

Coming Up

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